Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Yesterday was the day!!!!! I found my wedding dress!! I'm soooo very happy! It is exactly what I envisioned and is perfect for me! I can't wait for our wedding day to come!!! 

I've also found our invitations, a TON of decorations, my SHOES, my sisters dresses, my bridesmaids dresses, and much more! 
I'm so blessed to have found so much so soon and I'm so blessed to have so many helping hands! They make is so much more fun! 

Tomorrow me and Alex will be going cake testing and meeting with a photographer and then Friday we are viewing our venue and meeting with another photographer! So wish us luck as we make some very important decisions within these next couple of days! 

I love all this wedding planning!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Black Eye Smlack Eye

So about a week and a half ago at cheer practice I was stepping in with a stunt group I'm not normally in and much to my luck I got elbowed in the eye and had a black eye for the past week and a half. I have NEVER had a black eye before so I thought it'd be fun to blog about. I'm 20 years old with my first black eye. ha The only bad thing was two days after we were supposed to go take engagement pictures, that was definitely out of the question. But we will get some soon! :) Heres how the "great-timed" injury looked at all stages! 

Its all cleared up and 100% better. I'm so thankful my eye is okay! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So my amazing, now Fiance, asked me to marry him December 6th, 2010! I can say this has been the best day in my life so far!! I'm so excited to spend the rest of our lives together! 

So here is how it went down....
Monday nights I have class til 7:45. Alex decided to wait and eat with me that night for dinner. He started making it and when I got there I helped him finish. Then we ate and during dinner he suggested we pick out the pictures for a frame we previously bought. So he gave me the stack of pictures I had printed out a while back. When I got to the last one it was a picture of him, thinking to myself, *I've never seen this before, what is this picture?* Then I moved my hand from half the picture and realized it was him with my ring! I look to my side and there he is, down on one knee, ring in hand. Well me being me, I was completely shocked and slammed the pictures down and said (of all things) "I hate you." But please note, I hate you was really supposed to sound like, "I'm so surprised, this is amazing, you totally got me" I then was filled with excitement and disbelief! This day we've been talking about for a while is finally here. How amazing! So then he asked and I ,of course, said YES!!! 

So now we are engaged to be married and then live happily ever after! ;)


Let the wedding planning begin!!! :)