Thursday, May 19, 2011

Traveling Thursday!

So I want to start doing a post every Thursday about traveling! 
Here's to the first post! 
Africa! Today Africa is on my mind because I have a close friend that left this morning to go on a Medical/Mission/Learning trip with a group of people to Africa. The main reason I want to go to Africa is the animals. I want to go on a safari so bad. It would be such a great experience to get to see the animals in their true habitat. Also, you get to see them with out a cage around them. So yes, it's a lot more dangerous but how awesome would it be. Enjoy some animal pictures!!

Not only would Africa be amazing because of the safari experience but just to go and get to be in a completely different environment and culture experiencing life in a new way. I feel like a trip like this can really give anyone a new, profound outlook on life. This trip can really broaden your appreciation for nature! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

On Another Note

Dear Negative People, 
You really really really irritate me! 
You never see all the good that can come out of a situation
when it is not how you want it to be. 
Please work on this, it's not good for our relationship! 

Just Go With It

I never thought I'd say this but... We've pushed our date back to April 28th, 2012. 
It's sad yes, now I have to wait longer to be married to the man of my dreams, but when life throws you curve balls you just have to figure out how to catch them. 
We are going to be so swamped with everything next year and will be soo stressed. We want to be sure that when we get married we have time to work and provide for each other like we should and also we want to be sure we have enough time to devote to just each other. Don't get me wrong the decision stinks but it really is what is best for us. :)