Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Yesterday was the day!!!!! I found my wedding dress!! I'm soooo very happy! It is exactly what I envisioned and is perfect for me! I can't wait for our wedding day to come!!! 

I've also found our invitations, a TON of decorations, my SHOES, my sisters dresses, my bridesmaids dresses, and much more! 
I'm so blessed to have found so much so soon and I'm so blessed to have so many helping hands! They make is so much more fun! 

Tomorrow me and Alex will be going cake testing and meeting with a photographer and then Friday we are viewing our venue and meeting with another photographer! So wish us luck as we make some very important decisions within these next couple of days! 

I love all this wedding planning!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Black Eye Smlack Eye

So about a week and a half ago at cheer practice I was stepping in with a stunt group I'm not normally in and much to my luck I got elbowed in the eye and had a black eye for the past week and a half. I have NEVER had a black eye before so I thought it'd be fun to blog about. I'm 20 years old with my first black eye. ha The only bad thing was two days after we were supposed to go take engagement pictures, that was definitely out of the question. But we will get some soon! :) Heres how the "great-timed" injury looked at all stages! 

Its all cleared up and 100% better. I'm so thankful my eye is okay! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So my amazing, now Fiance, asked me to marry him December 6th, 2010! I can say this has been the best day in my life so far!! I'm so excited to spend the rest of our lives together! 

So here is how it went down....
Monday nights I have class til 7:45. Alex decided to wait and eat with me that night for dinner. He started making it and when I got there I helped him finish. Then we ate and during dinner he suggested we pick out the pictures for a frame we previously bought. So he gave me the stack of pictures I had printed out a while back. When I got to the last one it was a picture of him, thinking to myself, *I've never seen this before, what is this picture?* Then I moved my hand from half the picture and realized it was him with my ring! I look to my side and there he is, down on one knee, ring in hand. Well me being me, I was completely shocked and slammed the pictures down and said (of all things) "I hate you." But please note, I hate you was really supposed to sound like, "I'm so surprised, this is amazing, you totally got me" I then was filled with excitement and disbelief! This day we've been talking about for a while is finally here. How amazing! So then he asked and I ,of course, said YES!!! 

So now we are engaged to be married and then live happily ever after! ;)


Let the wedding planning begin!!! :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I'm going to keep this one short and sweet and let the pictures speak for themselves. :) 

I love horses, they are beautiful!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Oh the challenges...

Life is full of good and bad! But through everything we’re faced with challenges.
Recently I’ve been dealing with a lot.  At first I am not a very outgoing person, I keep my thoughts to myself (even though there are a ton), I am just quiet and observe. But after a while I warm up and really start talking and become very outgoing. I am also a person who doesn’t like to brag and bring up certain “amazing” things that happen. If the time is right and I’m in a more personal setting, like a one on one, I will bring up things like that but otherwise I don’t see it as appropriate. There really isn’t necessarily anything wrong with bringing them up I personally just do not like it. And when things like that happen in conversations I find myself wondering if it is a genuine, sincere comment. In this situation I am reminded of the story of the Pharisees. How proud and boastful they are. How they broadcast their prayers and are very showy with all of their achievements and “stuff”. In the story, God says that is not needed, and that prayer and thanksgiving should be in private and between you and the Lord. That story is just so real to me and is how I truly try to be. I think that is so important because I never want anyone to question my faith and sincere love for God. Since the relationship you have with God is the MOST important one, having it questioned would be a huge dis to your faith.
This is something I am having a struggle with right now. There are people in my life now and will be in my life for the rest of it that are like this. It is so hard for me to not question the genuineness of their faith and their motives. The time that they are in, in their life is one that they need acceptance. So I find myself thinking they are sucking up and using this as a way to bring them closer to the people they are forming bonds with. This puts me in a very tough situation, I am also trying to form bonds and when I am not like this I seem not social because I am not constantly talking and giving my thoughts and sharing my stories. And it is truly because I am NOT like this. I don’t like to do things like that in big groups because of how it comes across to me.  One on one or in a family dinner-time talk I have no problem talking about this or anything like that. But I mean what can you do. If people won’t pay attention to me, like me, enjoy my presence, then I can do nothing about that. I have the one in my life that loves me, enjoys me and pays attention to me. And I can say that I am being me, 100% me, if they do not like me for me then I would prefer them not like me.
Just remember in every situation to always be yourself and God will provide you with the bonds that you need to live life to the fullest.  Remember to always pay attention to everyone in your life. New people & old people give them all the same attention because you never know how someone will react or feel if you are ignoring them.  

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day! :)

I just wanted to take a minute and say how thankful I am for everyone in my life! I'm so happy with my life right now and the people in it. Really take today and just remind the people in your life that you love them and are so thankful to have them be a part of your life! These are just a few people in my life that I couldn't live with out. 

I love them all! And many more!  I couldn't find a picture of my Aunt Pat and Uncle Jim but I know I couldn't be where I am today with out them. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving, Home away from Home

This thanksgiving is my first away from my family. It is a little sad but also new and exciting. I am at my boyfriend’s, Alex, house.
We got here early early early Tuesday morning, 2a.m. to be exact. We left so late because I had to cheer at two games and then he had an interview at 10p.m. side-note: pray he gets the job. We went straight to bed after arriving at his house.
Tuesday was a pretty busy day, Alex and his brothers had dentist appointments and they were an hour away, so that took up most of the day. After that Alex and his youngest brother started putting up Christmas lights for a client of Alex’s. He puts up lights for people around his town every year, yay for bringing the Christmas spirit!
Today his mom and I got up EARLY, 6:45, and went to a boot camp. His mom goes M-F every week and works out every morning. They were doing a special and making it free for everyone this morning, you just had to bring a donation for the Thanksgiving dinner they are putting on tomorrow. It was an hour and a half, but it was fun. It was hard and tiring but it was defiantly worth it. Tonight Alex’s older brother and his fiancĂ© will be arriving around 8. Her mother and brother will also be coming in. It is going to be a fun holiday.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and it is going to be great. There are a lot of family members coming in and everyone is bringing different dishes for the big meal. I’m so excited to see how they do Thanksgiving. It is going to be really hard to be away from my family and the normal things we do and foods we have but it will a great learning experience for me. It will give me a look into Alex’s life and how he does things and traditions that he wants to carry on into our life together. Oh yeah and we are doing a turkey trot. I have not ever done one so this will also be new. Me and Jenny will be doing the 5K and Alex and his older brother, Dustin are doing the 8 mile run. It’ll be a good way to start the big day of eating.
I’m not sure what is in store for Friday but on Saturday we are going to a wedding shower for Dustin and Jenny who are getting married on December 18th. It’s so happy to see them together and in love.
Sunday we head back to school and back to the normal life. Yippee!
But the sooner we get back the sooner the long Christmas break comes.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!!! :) 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As you can tell from my previous blogs my life is CRAZY!
But last night was amazing and relaxing because of Alex.

We went running and ran our normal route in less time, which is always a great accomplishment. Looks like we'll have to start running more!
Then we went back to his apartment and just hung out. I caught up on my Grey's Anatomy and he ended up falling asleep! After all that we cooked dinner together. We had left over chili we made the night before but made some spaghetti noodles to make it Chili Mac! It was delicious. Normally I would then go to a friends and watch ANTM but she was busy last night so me and Alex just relaxed some more and then I went to my bible study. After he picked me up and we went and got Starbucks (its our evil habit). Then we rented a movie from Redbox (Grown-ups). It was hilarious. We watched it with Alex's roommate and his girlfriend!! I had already seen the movie but it was still extremely funny!
Oh yes I almost forgot.. We got the new Thanksgiving Blend coffee from Starbucks and we brewed some this morning and it is delicious!! :)

I just want to say thanks to Alex because I really needed a great night of relaxing with the one I love. He knows how to de-stress my life and make me feel so special! :) :)

I can't wait for forever with him!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yay! Homecoming is over! It was awesome! Theta's Alumni breakfast was a blast & the float & seniors looked amazing! The cheerleaders rocked it at both games!! It was a blast.
The families finally met & everyone got along. We stayed super busy but had a blast. We got to go to Pops, the little parade the clubs put on, the games, and Alex's indoor game! Oh and by the way he totally scored :) I'm so relieved that homecoming is over but I really had a great weekend!

Only two weeks til Thanksgiving break! I am going home with Alex for the break. I'm really excited to go with him and see his family traditions. His older brother and his "soon to be wife" will be there. Which is going to make the weekend that much more exciting! We are all going to participate in the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. I have never done this but Alex has and he said it is fun. A TON of people are in the "trot" So I'm pretty pumped about it.
I'm sad I won't be going home and seeing the family but christmas break is not far off so I don't have to wait that long to see them.

School is super busy right now. I am putting all the finishing touches on my spring schedule, preparing to teach a lesson to one of my bible teachers, preparing two speeches, and then just the normal school work! Just gotta keep saying 2 weeks, 2 weeks! :)

Cheer practice last night was AWESOME! We are doing a new 1 man stunt and my group totally got it. We did awesome. I was able to push Skye up to a lib, in a one man! AAHH I can't wait to do it at a game!!! I'll be sure to have pictures taken! I can't wait til all three groups get it!!

Alex and I started running together! I hope we stay on schedule and continue to do it. Its great bonding time and good exercise.
Tonight we're watching Americas Next Top Model at Skye's and then bible study with my small group!
Great night ahead!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Busy Busy!

  So I'm starting this at such a hectic time in my life. I am currently cheering for Oklahoma Christian. It is so time consuming. We have practice 3 times a week and possibly up to three basketball games a week. Its a busy life, but fun. We are currently getting ready for Homecoming, which is in three days! :) Getting everything situated and perfected is time consuming. It takes a lot of practice in and out of the gym. I'm also on the homecoming committee that is coordinating the pep rally that is the day before the homecoming games. It is all coming together nicely but the group still has a lot of work to do. 
                                     (Cheerleaders! We're sooo cute!!)

 And to add to everything else I am in an amazing club, THETA. Which is one of the greatest things I could've asked to be a part of. But it is time consuming also. We are trying to make everything for our float! It takes a lot of work from everyone, but it's all slowly coming together. :) I'm so thankful that I love all the girls in the club because it is so much more enjoyable to spend my free time doing things for the girls and for the club :)
                          (some of the girls from my rush class this year)

 My family will be coming down for homecoming and so will my boyfriends family. This will be the first time they meet. I'm so excited because I know they will all get along. I only wish we could all live closer to each other so we could all spend more time together. BUT I guess being further away makes us appreciate when we are together more.

Life is changing so much, but all for the good.